Category Archives: Blog 2

Blog 2 – Maps

Map 2 (Fig 2.2 in the pdf) was really interesting to me. I didn’t realise how few hospitals there were in Alaska. What really shocked me was that there seems to be only two specialised hospitals! I’ve read papers and articles that suggest the rate of substance abuse among Alaska Natives is high (although this isn’t to say it’s exclusively Alaska Natives that have issues with substance abuse) so I expected that there would be more support in place for them to help them? In addition to this, both of the specialised hospitals are so far south in Anchorage and Juneau.

Map 4 (Fig 2.4 in the pdf) was another interesting one. Almost all the Native settlements are placed near a body of water. This makes sense, they live off the land. Fishing, water supply, for those that live on the coasts whale hunting and seal hunting. There are so many settlements as well! This I didn’t realise. There are a few settlements that don’t seem to be near a body of water, do they travel to collect water? I assume they do; how does that work? Do they gather fresh water everyday and transport it back? I’m genuinely asking as I don’t know how it works. I come from a big city and haven’t really been exposed to this way of living.

Map 8 (Fig 2.8 in the pdf) was one I didn’t like. The projection used is awful. Most of it is all squished up and out of proportion. It makes it really difficult to read easily. Not easy on the eyes at all. Finding the right projection to use to accurately display the world and all its’ continents is a difficult thing to do. There’s always going to be something someone doesn’t like. A cartographer’s job isn’t the easiest when it comes to projecting the world on one map. Compromises need to be made to make a map that somewhat resembles the world in its’ entirety.

Map 10 (Fig 2.10 in the pdf) is nice to read. Easy on the eyes too. Reminds me of Google Earth (a great way to view the world!). Things are in proportion and nothing is squished up and distorted.